
Our School

Cubert Primary School provides education for children aged 4 to 11 years and is a member of the Aspire Academy Trust family of Cornish primary schools.  Our pupils draw mainly from the surrounding villages including Cubert, Crantock, Holywell Bay and the nearby town of Newquay.

The original building dates from 1895 and has two classrooms; Year 2 and Year 3. The main building, including Year 4 and Year 5,  was opened in 1974. 

Over the last few years, we have been extremely lucky to have had a purpose-built Early Years/Year 1 classroom & outdoor environment along with a Year 6 classroom and studio facility built. We have an outdoor area that EYFS and Y1 children share to promote a play-based, practical curriculum in the first few years of schooling. The EYFS children also have access to a forest area to continue the outdoor learning that many of our children have accessed at nursery/pre-school. 

In 2020, we had a new office area designed. We also now have a permanent Nurture facility with garden, for any children to access who need extra support and time out of class for whatever reason. 

We have also been lucky enough to have our library refurbished recently thanks to our PTFA. 

We have a tarmac surface for recreation purposes and a spacious grassed area. There is a large playing field and an all weather multi-purpose hard court. These extensive grounds provide the children with invaluable opportunities, not only for sporting activities, but also to study aspects of plant and animal life. 

Cubert Primary School has strong community links.  We have regular visits from the School Nurse, the local clergy, the community Police Officer, representatives from the local Parish Council, as well as key figures from the local community who kindly volunteer their time to support the school in many different ways. 

We enjoy strong links with other local primary (Aspire and non-Aspire) and secondary schools which creates opportunities for our children to access a wider range of learning and expertise.

Cubert Primary School
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Cubert Primary School. All rights reserved. 2025