

Physical Education (PE)
Our PE curriculum incorporates PESSPA. This stands for physical education, school sport and physical activity and includes PE lessons, school games events and competitions, sport leadership, extra-curricular clubs and enrichment.

PE Intent at Cubert School 

At Cubert School, we believe that physical education (PE) is key to helping every child grow in confidence, fitness, and enjoyment of physical activity. Our high-quality PE curriculum encourages all pupils to succeed in sports and physically demanding activities. Through PE, students learn important life skills such as teamwork, fairness, and respect, while becoming physically confident in ways that support their health and wellbeing. 



Our PE curriculum is designed to ensure that every pupil can: 

  • Develop life skills in sport, school and life: Take part in competitive sports and fun activities that build character, resilience, and teamwork, celebrating ‘Personal bests’. 

  • Develop key skills: Learn a wide range of physical activities and movements, becoming competent in different sports and physical challenges. 

  • Stay active: Be physically active for extended periods, supporting their overall health and fitness. 

  • Lead a healthy life: Understand the importance of staying active and making healthy lifestyle choices that benefit them both now and in the future. 



My Personal Best 

My Personal Best is a life skills approach to our curriculum that enables all young people to flourish in PE, school and life – now and in the future  

Embedding our curriculum drivers of Curiosity, Aspiration, and Diversity into PE lessons creates a dynamic and inclusive environment. It fosters a growth mindset, motivates students to achieve personal and collective goals, and encourages an appreciation for the diversity of movement and sport worldwide. This approach not only enhances physical skills but also promotes lifelong engagement with physical activity.  
Aspiration: Encourage students to set personal targets, such as improving their shooting accuracy, and track their progress over the term. Develop awareness of sporting achievements and career opportunities linked to PE. 
Diversity: Introduce the history of a sport and its global popularity and adapt the rules to accommodate various skill levels so all students can actively participate. 
Downloads for further P.E. Curriculum Information:
Alongside the PE Curriculum map we provide swimming instruction to ensure all children competently, confidently and proficiently swim over a distance of at least 25 metres using a range of strokes effectively and performing safe self rescue in different water based situations.
Useful Links for Children, Parents and Carers:

Cubert Primary School
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