
Trauma-Informed School

We are a trauma informed school.

Trauma Informed Schools UK, Headstart Kernow, Motional and One Vision have come together to help schools provide an even more effective strategy for improving mental health and wellbeing. The previous whole-school Thrive approach is now being replaced by Trauma Informed Schools (TIS).

TIS uses a similar approach to Thrive, but particularly focuses on gaining a better understanding about the factors that can have a negative effect on children’s emotional wellbeing, and of ways of minimising their impact. 

In addition, we are now able to access an online mental health and wellbeing assessment tool called Motional. This assessment tool draws on over 500 evidence-based, cutting-edge research studies in brain science and psychology.

All children are assessed via Motional. Following the class assessment, class Motional programs are implemented to support all children. For individual children needing bespoke support, a Comprehensive Motional assessment will be completed and practical activities that will help support emotional development and promote mental wellbeing are offered by our TIS practitioners. 

For more information about any of the above click on the links below or call the school office to make an appointment with your SENCo. 

Cubert Primary School
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