
Autumn Term 2023

Mr J Fulker

Class Teacher

Mr D Endean

Teaching Assistant


In Pipits, homework is set every Friday and is due back in the following Wednesday. Homework consists of either literacy, maths, topic or science and is relevant to what the children have been learning that week. There will also be spellings for your child to practise every week. Homework, spellings and activities on Literacy Planet will be posted on Class Dojo every Friday. Homework should be submitted by Wednesday and spellings will be tested in a non-pressured practice each Friday.


Children read with a grown up frequently in Pipits class and will be allowed to change their reading books after a parent has read with them at home and confirmed (with a note in their reading record) that they have finished the book.  Ideally children should keep a book for two or three nights; one night to read and gain a general knowledge and understanding of the words within the text and the second/third night to build up fluency and work on comprehension. This will support your child as they begin to tackle more complex words and longer texts over the year both at home and at school in our Read, Write, Inc. sessions.

For information on how we teach phonics in Year 1, please visit our Curriculum/Phonics page.


We have a double PE session on Fridays but please make sure that your child's PE kit is in school at all times in case of timetable changes. We also ask that all items are clearly named.

Cubert Primary School
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