
Autumn Term 2023

Mrs L Johns

Class Teacher

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday teacher

Mrs L Samuels

Class Teacher

Wednesday (SENDCo); Thursday & Friday teacher

Ms K-J Carpenter

Teaching Assistant

Homework is usually set on a Friday, in a homework book. It will need to be completed by Wednesday of the following week so there is time to look at it before the next bit gets set. It will always be reading, then there will usually be learning times tables and other weeks there will be this as well as some other literacy and numeracy skills work. If there is a reason why homework has not been done please send us a message on Dojo—we know life can be super busy sometimes but we will chase the children when homework is not done without a reason!
Puffins’ get to have library books, these books can be taken home, however books must be in school everyday! The children need to remember to quiz on Accelerated reader at home, when they have finished a book at school, or at home. https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/2234853 
Your child does need to read at home everyday, where possible, for at least 15 minutes, whether that is to themselves or to another person who has 5 minutes to spare. It is also very valuable for your children to be read to, it would be great if even just for 10 minutes a week you sit and read to your child. Enjoy this time with your child, you will all cherish it.
We have P.E twice a week, on a Monday and a Tuesday, as well as rugby on a Friday for several weeks in the Autumn Term. PE kits need to be in school all week. P.E kit needs to consist of: white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers (plimsolls are not great for wet-underfoot days).
Please also make sure your child has a coat in school everyday, even if it’s not raining at 8:30, who knows what it will be doing by lunchtime!  Please make sure that your child has a drinks bottle in school everyday, we are encouraging regular drinks of water during the day. 
The children will be able to earn merits, we also have a marble jar, so if the class collectively do something then they get awarded a marble—there will be a class treat when the jar is full.  If you have any questions please feel free to pop us a message on Dojo and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Cubert Primary School
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